If you're looking to get your images designed for WWE 2K15 in time for next time (and even sometime beyond that), shoot me an email and let's talk business. Once the image is placed, you can position and scale it. Up to eight different images can be used on your Superstar, but those eight images can be used as many times as you want.Select 'Community Creations.' Select 'Image Manager. The pixel dimensions for the images can be up to 512 x 512, but it doesn’t have to be exact - just as long as it’s under those dimensions, the tool will scale it to fit Once your image is uploaded, you can then retrieve it in-game: Go to the main menu in WWE 2K23. Each user is given 20 slots for downloaded images or any images uploaded by the community.Once the images are uploaded, locate your images under the “GO TO MY LOGOS” option in WWE 2K15 and proceed to download them.Now, it’s time to upload your images on this page! By entering your Logo Token, you are granted access to upload up to five images at a time.You’ll then enter the token on our dedicated webpage on the official WWE 2K website, located at wwe.2k.com/wwe2K15logo.You will then be prompted to generate a “Logo Token,” which will show up instantly on screen.First, go to the “Logo Manager” under Community Creations in the WWE 2K15 main menu.and effluent standards may become tighter.

Follow the prompts to connect the platform/account you're playing WWE 2K23 on. So – how do players download images onto their consoles? 6 Wastewater Treatment Objectives, Design Considerations, and. Go to in your browser or scan the QR code provided on screen with your mobile device to get to the site, and then click on the button for the game's image uploader.