Internet multiplayer is a new ground for me, I have never released a game where I need to maintain servers, so that you can keep playing. It cannot be all bad, because it has Antarans in it :-) Yes, I borrowed the name from one of my favourite games of old. I won’t reveal many details, you’ll have to check it out for yourselves.

The result is this new little game where you can control ships like that:

Unbelievably, a few months ago I got myself hooked on game networking again. Long time ago I used to work for a games company as a network programmer. It is a Christmas gift from me to Survivalcraft community. And not just any multiplayer, but internet multiplayer with internet servers, so anyone can play with everyone else. Just like Bugs, it will be completely free and without ads or nag screens. Do you still remember Bugs? Well, there’s a new game coming out this Christmas. While you are waiting for the next update, I have a new Christmas gift for you. Here’s just one hint to get you started on guessing: This new feature is so wide that it can still get bogged down in unfixable issues. I can’t give you any concrete date, or even reveal the new feature yet, because I don’t promise anything that I am not 100% certain will be delivered. Unfortunately, I got stuck on some difficult aspects of it, and never found the drive to finish it. The major new feature that I am adding is large, and it should expand the survival mode in a big way. I have been working on it for the last year or so.

The next update for Survivalcraft 2 won’t make it for Christmas.